How to Protect Your Online Accounts from Being Breached

How to Protect Your Online Accounts from Being Breached

Stolen login credentials are a hot commodity on the Dark Web. There’s a price for every type of account from online banking to social media. For example, hacked social media accounts will go for between $30 to $80 each. The rise in reliance on cloud services has caused a big increase in breached cloud accounts….

6 Ways to Combat Social Phishing Attacks

6 Ways to Combat Social Phishing Attacks

Phishing is the number one method of attack delivery for everything from ransomware to credential theft. We are very aware of it coming by email, but other types of phishing have been growing rapidly. In recent years, phishing over social media has skyrocketed by 500%. There has also been a 100% increase in fraudulent social…

4 Interesting Cloud Storage Trends to Watch for in 2022

4 Interesting Cloud Storage Trends to Watch for in 2022

One area of cloud computing that is used widely, but often isn’t as flashy as the software side is cloud storage. Storing files in the cloud to make them easily accessible and shareable from anywhere was one of the very first uses of the cloud that was adopted widely by many users. As advances like…

Alarming Phishing Attack Trends to Beware of in 2022

Alarming Phishing Attack Trends to Beware of in 2022

In 2020, 75% of companies around the world experienced a phishing attack. Phishing remains one of the biggest dangers to your business’s health and wellbeing because it’s the main delivery method for all types of cyberattacks. One phishing email can be responsible for a company succumbing to ransomware and having to face costly downtime. It…

Important Steps to Take Before You Recycle a Mobile Phone Number 

Important Steps to Take Before You Recycle a Mobile Phone Number 

It’s not unusual to change a mobile number from time to time. For example, when you move, you may want a number that is local to the area you just moved to. Companies also may end up recycling mobile numbers throughout their staff as people come and go. If you don’t properly detach your mobile…

These Google Search Tips Will Save You Tons of Time!

These Google Search Tips Will Save You Tons of Time!

Over 2.4 million searches happen every minute on Google. It’s often the first stop people make when they go online. We search daily for both personal and work needs, and often searching out the right information can take a lot of time if you have to sift through several irrelevant results. One study by consulting…

Top 5 Cybersecurity Mistakes That Leave Your Data at Risk

Top 5 Cybersecurity Mistakes That Leave Your Data at Risk

The global damage of cybercrime has risen to an average of $11 million USD per minute, which is a cost of $190,000 each second. 60% of small and mid-sized companies that have a data breach end up closing their doors within six months because they can’t afford the costs. The costs of falling victim to…

Lead Your Business More Effectively by Implementing Unified Communications

Lead Your Business More Effectively by Implementing Unified Communications

Unified communications are a go-to solution for business owners looking to streamline their businesses and increase employee productivity in the long term. See how it benefits your business. Providing high-quality communication channels is crucial for any company. After all, it promotes cross-department collaboration and faster exchange of ideas.  Since phones often don’t suffice for this,…