Free Security Awareness Training for your Employees​

Register for a Free Training Account​!

Sign up for a group training account for your business and have your employees start training today.

Free Security Awareness Training Registration

Your Employees are high value targets for threat actors

Stay Informed, be cyber-aware.

Your employees may be targeted through a phishing email, tricked by a threat actor to download ransomware to the server, or unknowingly let a threat actor into the building. Give them the training and the tools to help them identify and help stop these threats before they happen.

Cybersecurity Awareness Training Platform Overview.

We here at No Doozy IT just finished building out our Cybersecurity Awareness Training Platform with our first course added for October called Password Security. 

It was a feature benefit that we planned to roll out to just our existing clients, but we started to think that as important as cybersecurity awareness is, it should be made available to all for it to be truly effective.  So we made the decision to open up our learning center free to any small to medium sized businesses needing cybersecurity awareness training for their employees.


Frequently Asked Questions

Security awareness training is a formal approach for educating employees, business partners, contractors, and other stakeholders of the business on how to protect an organization from suspicious IT behaviors that can lead to security compromises. Through security awareness training, employees can learn to avoid phishing attacks along with social engineering cyber-attacks and spotting suspicious malware behaviors. This is done through the delivery of relevant information and knowledge checks on different topics such as information security, password security, social engineering, malware, and compliance regulations (NIST, GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA, etc.). Security awareness training increases employee awareness to cyber attacks at the office and their home, and helps to reinforce employees to follow company IT policies and best practices.

The main benefit of cybersecurity awareness training is protection from attacks from threat actors on your company’s IT systems or a potential data breach. By preventing such incidents, an organization can decrease helpdesk costs, protect their company’s reputation, and prevent a cyber attack from financially crippling the organization.

Yes, all of our courses included in our Learning Center is completely free for you to use. No purchase of any of our services is necessary to use our training platform.

All you need to to is fill out the registration form found on this page and one of our representatives will contact you to set up your account and give you an overview of how the system works. After that your employees will be able to sign up for their user accounts and freely take the course available to them. 

Yes. Once the employees finish their lessons and complete their knowledge quiz, a course completion certificate is made available for them to download for their records. Courses will expire after one year which a notification will be sent to the employee that they will need to log in and take their annual refresher for that course to get completion credit for the new year.

Also there is a Group Leader Dashboard for business owners to have visibility of what their employees have completed and what they still need to complete.

That is because the Cybersecurity Awareness program is brand new as of October 2022 which started with the first course. There will be a new video released on the 15th of every month for users/employees to take and get completion credit. We will be continuing to add a minimum of one new course per month. A list of new courses scheduled for 2023 will be made available towards the end of December 2022.

We suggest a schedule for your employees to take one course per month so that the idea of security awareness is reinforced throughout the year.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Unconditional 365 Day Total Satisfaction Guarantee

Looking to change IT service providers but uncertain about making the change?  If you are not 100 percent completely satisfied with our services, we offer an unconditional 365-day total satisfaction guarantee on all service plans or your agreement with us can be canceled within 30-days, no questions asked. This is our promise to you.